Habits: Change Your Ways in a World of Distraction

Couple jogging together as a good habit

As anyone who’s ever been asked to change knows, habits can be incredibly hard to create and equally hard to shake. How can we kick a habit that keeps us from what we really want out of life and, instead, replace it with a habit that supports our goals? How can we get rid of a bad habit that would otherwise lead to job loss, poor health, and loneliness? How can we create a good habit that leads to success at work and happiness in your personal life?

Below you’ll find links to my best articles on this topic, along with useful tools like this habit tracker template. You’ll find strategies to help you stop unhealthy habits and discover the strategies to create – and sustain healthy habits.

Habits don’t just appear from thin air. They have little to do with our inborn character. Cultivating habits is a matter of choice. Good habits are about developing small, healthy frequent routines. You then need to stick to those routines until they become habitual. There are great tools that can help you develop new routines and methods which will lead you to adopt healthy, happy habits for life.

Over time, good habits become automatic and require little or no conscious thought. That’s what makes habits so powerful.

The articles below are full of actionable advice so you can develop strong, healthy habits and ditch your bad ones. Jump right in and get started on building habits to reach your goals and build a more successful and healthier life.

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    Top Articles on Habits

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    How to Be Lucky in Business and Life: 4 Science-Backed Principles

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    Can You Think Yourself Thinner?

    As a clinically obese teen, my parents were desperate to get me to a healthy weight. My mom coaxed me on a walk through our boring, middle-class Central Florida suburb every Sunday. The road we walked was paved with good intentions, but for me, it was hell: the heat and humidity, the painful chafing between my thighs, the inevitable embarrassment of applying Vaseline to said chafing. … If I was going to suffer, I would need a reward, and it had better be a good one!

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