Productivity: All You Need To Know To Be Productive

What is productivity and how do you measure it? Some people think being productive has to do with how much time they spend working. Others base their productivity on how much money they make.
The topic of productivity is discussed in many areas of our lives, from business productivity to personal productivity. The articles below cite the newest research on this hot topic with a strong focus on productive habits, and why it’s so important to improve them. Learn how to adopt habits to get ahead of schedule and have more time for what you love.
Regardless of whether you want to learn how to be more productive at work, home, or in school, below you’ll find resources that can help. While it’s not clear whether productivity makes people more happy or if happiness makes people more productive, there is a connection. Would you feel better about yourself and your life if you accomplished more? If so you’ll want to read on.
Explore below for my best articles packed with productivity tools that work.
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Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace report highlights a stark reality: disengaged and burned-out employees are draining 9% of the world’s GDP, resulting in approximately $8.8 trillion in losses. On the other hand, engaged employees are 18% more productive and...
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If You Don’t Plan Your Time, Someone Else Will
How to Stick to a Schedule Even When You Go Off Track
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“Just Say No” Is Bad Productivity Advice
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David Burkus: The One Thing Remote Leaders Need to Know
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Be a Schedule Builder, Not a To-Do List Maker
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Indistractable Schedule Maker Tool
Below is a free schedule maker template to create your own timeboxed weekly calendar. After you open it, click on the blue “Use Template” button to create your own copy—it will show up in your Google account at To see exactly how to use it, check out...
Email Management: How to Hack Back and Cure Inbox Insanity
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Calendar
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What You Need to Know When Visualizing Your Goals
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This is How to Repair a Toxic Work Culture
When Harvard’s Leslie Perlow began to study The Boston Consulting Group, she was well aware of the firm’s round-the-clock reputation. After conducting interviews with BCG’s staff, Perlow found that this reputation was coming at a major cost. Employees were leaving the...
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Research Reveals How to Take a Better Break
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Escape From Message Hell
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